HK chief says extradition bill unlikely to advance

Media playback is unsupported on your device Media captionMrs Lam said she personally had to shoulder much of the blame for the rowHong Kong's leader Carrie Lam has apologised for an extradition bill that sparked…

Heathrow reveals expansion masterplan

Image copyright Grimshaw Architects Image caption The architects' visualisation of Heathrow's planned expansion shows the third runway, new terminals and carparks Heathrow Airport will construct a third runway by 2026 and complete its expansion by…

Young, radical and ready for tear gas

Image copyright AFP Image caption Wednesday's protesters came prepared for tear gas In just one week Hong Kong has witnessed two of its largest ever protests, as well its most violent protest in decades. At…

Six gems from Trumps ABC interview

Image copyright ABC News Image caption Trump was interviewed over two days in the run up to his campaign launch From expelling an aide for coughing, to insisting he is treated worse than assassinated US…

A letter to my father who took his…

Media playback is unsupported on your device Mallappa, a farmer in a village in India's southern state of Andhra Pradesh, told his family in August last year that he was going to a nearby city…